Korea Aerospace University Embedded Systems Laboratory School of Electronics and Information Engineering








Fall 2010 : u-Embedded Microprocessor Design


Bulletin Board System

Text book

Computer Systems Organization and Architecture, John D. Carpinelli


Computer organization and Architecture : William Stallings

ARM Architecture Reference Manual : ARM

Reference sites

ARM : http://www.arm.com/

Design software : http://www.altera.com/

Reading lists


Power7: IBM's Next-Generation Server Processor
Kalla, R.; Sinharoy, B.; Starke, W.J.; Floyd, M.;
Micro, IEEE
Volume: 30 , Issue: 2
Publication Year: 2010 , Page(s): 7 - 15


Monitoring the Event-Building Features of the ATLAS RPCs ROD With an Embedded Microprocessor
Aloisio, A.; Capasso, L.; Cevenini, F.; Della Pietra, M.; Izzo, V.;
Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions on
Volume: 57 , Issue: 2 , Part: 1
Publication Year: 2010 , Page(s): 433 - 441


A 1.5 GHz 90 nm embedded microprocessor core
Ricci, F.; Clark, L.T.; Beatty, T.; Wing Yu; Bashmakov, A.; Demmons, S.; Fox, E.; Miller, J.; Biyani, M.; Haigh, J.;
VLSI Circuits, 2005. Digest of Technical Papers. 2005 Symposium on, Page(s): 12 - 15


The TMS34010: an embedded microprocessor
Guttag, K.M.; Albers, T.M.; Asal, M.D.; Rose, K.G.;
Micro, IEEE
Volume 8, Issue 3, June 1988 Page(s):39 - 52


Introducing the FR500 embedded microprocessor
Suga, A.; Matsunami, K.;
Micro, IEEE
Volume 20, Issue 4, July-Aug. 2000 Page(s):21 - 27


Construction of Embedded System Platform which Based on u C/OS-II and ARM7 Kernel Microprocessor

Yujun Bao; Xiaoyan Jiang;
Computer Network and Multimedia Technology, 2009. CNMT 2009. International Symposium on, Page(s): 1 - 4

Codesign of embedded systems: status and trends

Ernst, R.;
Design & Test of Computers, IEEE
Volume: 15 , Issue: 2, 1998,  Page(s): 45 - 54

Runtime verification and monitoring of embedded systems
Watterson, C.; Heffernan, D.;
Software, IET
Volume 1, Issue 5, October 2007 Page(s):172 - 179


The design of a rapid prototype platform for ARM based embedded system
Rui Wang; Shiyuan Yang;
Consumer Electronics, IEEE Transactions on
Volume 50, Issue 2, May 2004 Page(s):746 - 751


Dynamic voltage and frequency management for a low-power embedded microprocessor
Nakai, M.; Akui, S.; Seno, K.; Meguro, T.; Seki, T.; Kondo, T.; Hashiguchi, A.; Kawahara, H.; Kumano, K.; Shimura, M.;
Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of
Volume 40, Issue 1, Jan. 2005 Page(s):28 - 35


Constraint-based test-scheduling of embedded microprocessors
Bartzoudis, N.; Tantsios, V.; McDonald-Maier, K.;
Micro-Nanoelectronics, Technology and Applications, 2008. EAMTA 2008. Argentine School of
18-19 Sept. 2008 Page(s):29 - 32


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76, Hanggongdaehak-ro, Deogyang-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, 10540, Korea

T:+82-2-300-0424 M:+82-10-2242-5136 Email:youngroh@kau.ac.kr;youngs.roh@gmail.com